Friday, July 6, 2012

Cherry Limeade Vinaigrette

Ever been to Sonic and have a cherry limeade? No? Bummer. That was the highlight of my summer nights growing up. Haven't had them here up North until recently, but it got me thinking... what else could I have in the summer that would remind me of the same flavors? 

Cherries are in season right? 

And limes? 

Oh, and I got the greatest thing... a cherry pitter. Who knew!??! Cherries are such a pain to eat when you don't have one of these... I can't believe I've been doing it all this time!! 

A little scary looking, I know.  


10-15 Cherries, pitted
Juice of 1 lime
Mint leaves (5 -8, depending on your taste)
Vegetable Oil

Ok. So, I pitted about 10 cherries and threw them in a blender. I tossed in the juice of a whole lime. and some fresh mint from the garden.  While I was blending I trickled in about half a cup of vegetable oil. Note it's vegetable oil and not EVOO... EVOO is too harsh a taste for the sweet and sour tastes of this vinaigrette.

 Easy right? Toss it on a salad or dip fresh veggies and voila! Grown up cherry limeade. :) 


  1. Hi Jillian,
    Sounds yummy! Where did you find the cherry pitter? Pitting cherries with a pairing knife is not my favorite thing to do.
    Keep blogging!

    1. Ha! I can imagine that to be a dangerous endeavor. Bed Bath and Beyond or Kohl's has them. You could probably find them at Williams and Sonoma or Crate and Barrel as well.
